Renny Lia Yahono
Renny Lia Yahono is from Central Java, Indonesia. Renny Lia works in the following industries: "Medical Device", "Cosmetics", "Tobacco", "Financial Services", and "Textiles". Renny Lia is currently Business Development Manager at PT. Biocare Sejahtera, located in Jakarta, Indonesia. In Renny Lia's previous role as a Financial Advisor at Allianz, Renny Lia worked in Jakarta, Indonesia until Dec 2020. Prior to joining Allianz, Renny Lia was a Key Account Manager at PT. Biocare Sejahtera and held the position of Key Account Manager at Jakarta Timur. Prior to that, Renny Lia was a Marketing Executive Greige Division at Duniatex, based in Karanganyar, Surakarta from Aug 2014 to Jun 2017. Renny Lia started working as Marketing and Sales Executive at CV. Claudia in Batu, Malang in Jun 2006. From Aug 2012 to Sep 2012, Renny Lia was Research Internship at PT. DJARUM, based in Kudus. Prior to that, Renny Lia was a Beauty Consultant at Oriflame Sweden Cosmetics / Independent Consultant, based in Batu, Malang from Jan 2005 to Dec 2011. Renny Lia started working as Marketing Executive Div. Food and Beverages at PT. Multiguna Cemerlang in Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia in Feb 2008.
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Renny Lia Yahono's current jobs
Established with a vision becoming a leading company in Point-of-Care Testing and In-Vitro Diagnostics. Biocare test kits are being used by major clinical laboratories, blood banks and government health institutions. Biocare provide the Rapid Test Kits, PCR Instruments and kit reagents. The mission is to supports customer with precise diagnostic through supply quality products, provide excellent services and improve the welfare of the company's stakeholders.We are a sole agent for the following product : 1. BIOCARE RAPID TEST #Drugs of Abuse Rapid Test #Blood Transmission Diseases Rapid Test #Tropical Diseases Rapid Test #Others Rapid Test #Kantong Limbah Infeksius #Kursi Donor Darah (Phlebotomy Chair) #Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) 2. FASTEP RAPID TEST - 7 In 1 Multi Drug (Amp/Met/Mop/Thc/Bzo/Coc/Soma) - Fastep Covid-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test - Fastep Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test 3. KHB - KHB Covid-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test - KHB HIV Antibody Rapid Test 4. GENESIS - Genesis Kaibili Covid-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test - Kaibili Viral Transport Media (50 pcs) 5. AIT-BIOTECH REAL TIME PCR INSTRUMENT DAN KIT REAGEN - abGenix Automated DNA/RNA Extraction System - abCyclerQ Real-Time PCR System (96 sample) - abCyclerQS Real-Time PCR System (48 sample) - abCyclerQmini Real-Time PCR System (16 sample) - abGenix Viral Extraction Kit (64 test) - abTest Covid-19 qPCR I Kit (100 test) 6. BIOER TECHNOLOGY REAL TIME PCR INSTRUMENT DAN KIT REAGEN - Gene Pure Pro Automated DNA/RNA Extraction System - QuantGene 9600 Fluorescent Quantitative Detection System - MagaBio Plus Virus DNA/RNA Extraction Kit II - Sars Cov-2 Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (48 test) - Sample Preservative Fluid, VTM (50 pcs) 7. NGENEBIO KIT REAGEN PCR - NgenePlex n-Cov qRT-PCR Kit (96 pcs)
Renny Lia Yahono's past jobs
Achievement : 2019 successfully achieved of company sales target during Jan - Dec 2018
Achievement : 2016 successfully achieved of company sales target during Jan - Dec 2015 2017 successfully achieved of company sales target during Jan - Dec 2016
Garment. Bedsheet. Bedcover
Peran Public Relations Dalam Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility
Multi Level Marketing. Oriflame. Natural Swedish Cosmetics
PT. Multiguna Cemerlang has been: - Exclusive agent for Sick Optic industrial sensors from 1996 until 2007. - Agent for Balluf and Leuze from 1997 until now. - Agent for Lumberg connection cable sensor from 1997 until 2012. - Distributor for Data Logic from 2005 until now. - Platinum distributor for Siemens products: LV motor since 2002 CE and BT LV since 2004 LD since 2008
English Teacher and Finance Department
Preschool, Kindergarten and Children Day Care with Beyond Centers and Circle Time (BCCT) method from Montesorri, High Scope, Read Star and Reggio Emilia