Ric Ronge

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Email: ****e@adansonia.com.au
Location: Greater Melbourne Area
Current employer:
Adansonia Capital
Current title:
Co-Founder / Head of Investments - Adansonia Capital
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Ric Ronge is from Greater Melbourne Area. Ric is currently Co-Founder / Head of Investments - Adansonia Capital at Adansonia Capital, located in Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. In Ric's previous role as a Senior Fund Manager: Head of Fund at Pengana Capital, Ric worked in until Jul 2016. Prior to joining Pengana Capital, Ric was a Investment Manager / Analyst Australian Equities at Invesco and held the position of Investment Manager / Analyst Australian Equities.

You can find Ric Ronge's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Ric Ronge's current jobs
Company: Adansonia Capital
Title: Co-Founder / Head of Investments - Adansonia Capital
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (7 years)
Location: Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia

Adansonia Capital is an Australian based investment management company whose core focus is providing clients with superior portfolio returns by employing a global approach to investments. www.adansonia.com.au Adansonia’s structured and disciplined investment process assesses fundamental equity value whilst considering the prevailing, and often changing, economic environment. Our 5-year investment horizon ensures we are focused on the big picture and don’t get distracted by market noise. It is an intuitive, holistic and sensible approach to investing and our investment team’s strong performance track record demonstrates that it works. We search the globe for the best stock opportunities. Our client portfolios will typically have a leaning towards blue chip companies with strong and enduring businesses; have the potential to generate significant free cash flow and exhibit consistent growth. We believe our approach not only reduces stock specific risk but also provides capital preservation at a portfolio level in tougher times. In achieving the best returns for clients we believe an efficient holding structure and low fees are paramount. For this reason we use Individually Managed Accounts (IMAs) and Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs), which have significant advantages over pooled asset structures such as traditional managed funds. We offer a highly competitive fee structure and never charge performance fees.

Ric Ronge's past jobs
Company: Pengana Capital
Title: Senior Fund Manager: Head of Fund
Period: Oct 2006 - Jul 2016 (9 years, 9 months)
Company: Invesco
Title: Investment Manager / Analyst Australian Equities
Period: Jan 1995 - Jan 2005 (10 years)
Other people named Ric Ronge
Ric Ronge
Fund Manager
Millers Point, New South Wales, Australia
There are 1 other "Ric Ronge". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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