Richard Stendardo

CEO at Yottaa
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LinkedIn: Richard Stendardo
Location: Winchester, Massachusetts, United States
Current employer: Yottaa
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 16/10/2023 07:52 AM
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Richard Stendardo is from Winchester, Massachusetts, United States. Richard works in the following industries: "Software Development". Richard is currently Chief Executive Officer at Yottaa, located in Waltham, Massachusetts, United States.

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Richard Stendardo's current jobs
Company: Yottaa
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Waltham, Massachusetts, United States

Yottaa makes websites faster and stronger using Enterprise SaaS and machine learning. Leading retailers, brands and publishers, such as Carter’s, The Container Store, Great Wolf Lodge, Hallmark, Jockey, JoAnn Fabrics, and Rockport, rely on Yottaa’s Cloud platform to accelerate and optimize the loading of 3rd party eCommerce technologies, high resolution images, and other website elements, resulting in up to 60% faster web performance and up to 20% increases in online conversion. Get a free download or site analysis at or follow @yottaa on Twitter.

Richard Stendardo's education
Harvard Business School
2001 - 2003
Boston University
1993 - 1997
Boston University
1993 - 1997
Richard Stendardo's top skills
Business Intelligence Cross-functional Team Leadership Management P&L Management Team Building Start-ups Business Strategy E-commerce Product Marketing Change Management Go-to-market Strategy Strategic Planning Enterprise Software Lead Generation Corporate Development Professional Services Competitive Analysis Analytics Organizational Change Solution Selling
Richard Stendardo's Colleagues
Robert Buffone
Founder & CTO
Ramki Srinivasan
Customer Advisory Board
Alicia Bloom
Marketing Manager
Kate M.
Consumer Advisory Board Member
Carlos Famadas
Chief Financial Officer
Richard Stendardo has 111 colleagues in total at Yottaa. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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