Richard Sved

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Location: St. Albans, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: 3rd Sector Mission Control
Current title:
Founder & Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:10 AM
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Richard Sved is from St. Albans, England, United Kingdom. Richard is currently Founder & Director at 3rd Sector Mission Control, located in St. Albans, England, United Kingdom.

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Richard Sved's current jobs
Title: Founder & Director
Period: Mar 2013 - Present (11 years, 10 months)
Location: St. Albans, England, United Kingdom

I set up 3rd Sector Mission Control with one purpose in mind: To enable charitable and cultural organisations to deliver as effectively as they can. 3rd Sector Mission Control’s aim is to work with charities to bring greater focus to their work, so that they can deliver their missions. We provide freelance and interim support to charities across the following areas: * Senior organisational management * Income generation * External affairs 3rd Sector Mission Control can provide continuity, ask difficult questions, or deliver change. We can help your charity work to its maximum potential. Since starting in April 2013, we have worked with a range of clients, including Girlguiding, Epilepsy Society, Cancer Research UK, Education Support Partnership, Architects Benevolent Society, RCN Foundation, and British Youth Council. How can we help you?

Richard Sved's Colleagues
Deborah Turton
Associate Consultant
St. Albans, England, United Kingdom
Richard Sved has 1 colleagues in total at 3rd Sector Mission Control. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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