Richard W Walker MD MBA IFMCP

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Email: ****r@tvp-care.com
Location: League City, Texas, United States
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:07 AM
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Richard W Walker MD MBA IFMCP is from League City, Texas, United States. Richard is currently CEO/Founder at TVP-Care, located in Houston, Texas, United States.

Richard W Walker MD MBA IFMCP's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Richard W Walker MD MBA IFMCP's current jobs
Company: TVP-Care
Title: CEO/Founder
Period: May 2017 - Present (7 years, 8 months)
Location: Houston, Texas, United States

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) established risk scoring in healthcare. Therefore, all healthcare payers, public and private, now reimburse based on a patient’s risk scores, or value-based or risk-based payment programs. Both public and private payers look for methods of controlling healthcare risks, which only pay for documented quality care. No payer has a product to control both medical and social risks, with the latter increasing the risks of the former allowing for increased hospital, Emergency Department, and senior care facility admissions. We've Re-engineered Primary Care model, for both public and private payer systems that allows for the application of our total management of risks - reducing the highest healthcare cost - admissions, for the highest users of healthcare - the 5%. The US healthcare TAM in 2021 is $3.7 trillion. 75% (or $2.8 T) of this is due to just 5% of the 70 MM seniors (65+ y. o.; 3.5 MM) with 3 or more chronic diseases. The medical (20%) and social (80%) risks of this 5% are not managed to lower their combined risks. Our Re-engineered Primary Care business model attacks both risk factors to reduce admissions to hospitals, Emergency Dept. and senior care facilities. Thus, we improve the quality of care and life for personal, and population health, and lowering overall cost. www.tvp-care.com

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