Robert Woodford

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Location: Northampton, England, United Kingdom
Current employer:
The Marketing Junction - the industry's go to #RecruitmentMarketing consultancy sales & profit
Current title:
#RecruitmentMarketing Consultant & Founding Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:25 AM
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Robert Woodford is from Northampton, England, United Kingdom. Robert is currently #RecruitmentMarketing Consultant & Founding Director at The Marketing Junction - the industry's go to #RecruitmentMarketing consultancy sales & profit, located in Weedon Beck, England, United Kingdom.

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Robert Woodford's current jobs
Company: The Marketing Junction - the industry's go to #RecruitmentMarketing consultancy sales & profit
Title: #RecruitmentMarketing Consultant & Founding Director
Period: Nov 2014 - Present (10 years, 2 months)
Location: Weedon Beck, England, United Kingdom

We make recruiters money by increasing sales. We save recruiters money by maximising marketing budgets and minimising costs. Having worked in recruitment now for more years than I care to remember, I established The Marketing Junction as a marketing business solely for the recruitment and associated industries. The likelihood is we've met or have many contacts in common. I work as a marketing consultant for recruitment businesses and staffing companies, as well as managing the agency offering. I am also a trainer and coach. A recruitment agency will choose to use us because we understand recruitment, have many years of experience and enjoy a huge network of contacts. But moreover, we deliver results. Whether operating at a strategic level or undertaking tactical implementation, I am equally at home working for local agencies, start-ups and boutiques as I am established global players and listed companies. I am passionate about the recruitment industry and all things marketing. I believe that recruitment agencies need considered marketing strategies and actionable plans, alongside tangible returns on investment, in order to compete in today's world. Many simply don't have the time or resources to do this - my experience, knowledge and contacts gives me the ability to offer this. We can also work with in-house teams to upskill, transfer knowledge or to ensure you are maximising the value from them. I am always up for a discussion on all things recruitment marketing related - so please do get in touch. ►Contact me at◄ ►Visit my website at◄ ►Interact with me on twitter◄ ►Book a call with me via◄

Robert Woodford's Colleagues
Chris O’Connell🍀
NED and Business Coach
Weedon Beck, England, United Kingdom
Meera Kapoor
Growth Manager
Weedon Beck, England, United Kingdom
Beth Price
Marketing Executive
Weedon Beck, England, United Kingdom
Hamish Parry
Marketing Executive
Weedon Beck, England, United Kingdom
Tom Foster
Marketing Manager
Weedon Beck, England, United Kingdom
Robert Woodford has 17 colleagues in total at The Marketing Junction - the industry's go to #RecruitmentMarketing consultancy sales & profit. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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