Roberto Gomez Flores

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Email: ****s@globant.com
Location: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
Current employer: Globant
Current title:
DevOps Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:43 AM
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Roberto Gomez Flores is from Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Roberto Gomez is currently DevOps Engineer at Globant, located in San Francisco, California, United States.

You can find Roberto Gomez Flores's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Roberto Gomez Flores's current jobs
Company: Globant
Title: DevOps Engineer
Period: Mar 2019 - Present (5 years, 10 months)
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

- I am working in this project as DevOps engineer making continuous integration and continuous deployment (using GitHub and Capistrano tool to make the build and deploy). - I am using Terraform to provision the Cluster Environments in VSphere. - I am using Chef tool to add all changes (certificates, ssh keys, environment variables, etc in the different hosts). - I am using AWS to set in route53 the certificates and domains, S3 to set the Storage, EC2 to set some test instances for Dev Team, IAM to set all security actions for the users that will be using AWS. - I am using Rundeck and Capistrano to make the deployments in different Environments. - I am using different monitoring tools to check the infrastructure health and the application health: ELK Stack, Grafana, Zabbix. - I am using Docker Containers for specific task (Rundeck Deployment Service, ELK Stack and Some applications that are using NodeJS). - Automating daily activities using Bash Scripting: Starting & Stopping services in Linux, Tacking DB Postgresql Backups (or restore the backups).

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