Roger Koehler

President, Designs for Health
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LinkedIn: Roger Koehler
Location: 美国 佛罗里达州 棕榈海岸
Current employer:
Designs for Health标志
Current title:
Designs For Health
Last updated: 28/12/2023 08:10 AM
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Roger Koehler is from 美国 佛罗里达州 棕榈海岸. Roger works in the following industries: "Consumer Goods". Roger is currently Designs For Health at Designs for Health标志. Roger also works as Consultant to Designs for Health at Consultant to Designs for Health. Another title Roger currently holds is CPO / VP of Procurement at Veolia North America标志.

Come check out Roger Koehler's email address on finalscout.com, a free professional database with 500 million business professionals and 200 million companies.

Roger Koehler's current jobs
Company: Designs for Health标志
Title: Designs For Health
Company: Consultant to Designs for Health
Title: Consultant to Designs for Health
Title: CPO / VP of Procurement
Title: Director of Global Strategic Sourcing
Company: Huttig Building Products标志
Title: Director of Product Management
Roger Koehler's education
Bachelor of Science (BSc),Chemical Engineering
University of Houston标志
Master of Business Administration (MBA),Executive Program
Roger Koehler's top skills
Purchasing Supply Management
Roger Koehler's Colleagues
Joe Sellati
Vice President Strategic Growth
Palm Coast, Florida, United States
Neal Mercado
Chief Marketing Officer
Palm Coast, Florida, United States
Daniel Samson
Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)
Palm Coast, Florida, United States
Danica Oliver, MBA
Senior Director of Digital Strategy
Palm Coast, Florida, United States
Evan Molnar
Director of Product Innovation
Palm Coast, Florida, United States
Roger Koehler has 382 colleagues in total at Designs For Health. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Roger Koehler
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Sales Associate
Vista, California, United States
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Fabrication Manager
Hurst, England, United Kingdom
Roger Koehler
VP of Threat Operations
Ellicott City, Maryland, United States
Roger Koehler
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Roger Koehler
There are 23 other "Roger Koehler". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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