Roger Spillmann

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
Clear Path Technologies Inc.
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:20 AM
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Roger Spillmann is from Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Roger is currently CEO/CFO at Clear Path Technologies Inc..

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Roger Spillmann's current jobs
Company: Clear Path Technologies Inc.
Title: CEO/CFO
Period: Aug 2007 - Present (17 years, 5 months)

Clear Path Technologies, Inc. (”Clear Path”), located in the Greater Los Angeles Area of California, U.S.A., is a leading developer of next-generation, non-invasive threat materials detection and identification technologies for the rapidly-growing homeland security and defense markets. Clear Path established CPT Security Solutions Group to provide customers with comprehensive security consulting, system design, training and support services. CPT Security Solutions comprises industry leading security and defense consultants, engineers and technologists. Our team includes experts in military, commercial, and industrial solutions, with each security consultant having 20+ years of global experience in system design and systems integration. CPT Security Solutions has teaming, license and services agreements with best-of-class partners and specialized solutions providers, and offers system integrator benefits without the high price tag of working with a larger-scale organization.

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