Rohan Deshpande

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Email: ****d@torqcommodities.com
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Current employer:
Torq Commodities
Current title:
Sr. Chartering Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:43 AM
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Rohan Deshpande is from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Rohan is currently Sr. Chartering Manager at Torq Commodities, located in Baar, Zug, Switzerland. In Rohan's previous role as a Sr. Chartering Manager at Fastfreight Pte Limited Singapore, Rohan worked in until Sep 2021. Prior to joining Fastfreight Pte Limited Singapore, Rohan was a Chartering Manager at Shun Shing Group and held the position of Chartering Manager .

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Rohan Deshpande's current jobs
Company: Torq Commodities
Title: Sr. Chartering Manager
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Baar, Zug, Switzerland

● Responsible for all chartering activities of in-house bulk cargoes of Rice and Coal. ● Competitive sourcing of tonnage on Voyage & Time Charter for in-house cargo movements. ● Negotiating Charter parties with counterparts. ● Managing hire statements/invoices including freight, demurrage and dispatch claims. ● Supervising post fixture activities for optimum P&L and quick turnaround. ● Communicating with Owners, Brokers, Agents, Surveyors, Receivers etc for smooth operations. ● Ensure complete control over the entire voyage for optimum voyage accounting. ● Develop a chartering desk for expansion into third party independent business development. ● Managing two chartering verticals: In-House & Third Party Operating. ● Monitor loading and discharging operations at berth/anchorage. ● Supervise the allocation of barges, railways rakes and trucks to avoid any delay/idle time in loading of cargo and follow up with rice mills for timely dispatch of the cargo to the port warehouse. ● Ensure proper fumigation of the cargo and get clearance reports. ● Chalk out a detailed plan with the Stevedoring company about the evacuation of cargo from the warehouse till on board the vessel. ● Make a detailed study of other rice mills near the port area (operating model & milling capacity) to ensure cargo availability in case of failure of existing cargo supply. ● Co-ordination with the ship owners for an adequate stowage plan, revision of the stowage plan in case of cargo delay to avoid any idle time on the vessel hooks. ● Verification of loading statistics from independent agencies. ● Examine the sales contract to flag any improper clauses and contradiction with the shipping contract (Fixture Note/Charter Party).

Rohan Deshpande's past jobs
Company: Fastfreight Pte Limited Singapore
Title: Sr. Chartering Manager
Period: Apr 2019 - Sep 2021 (2 years, 5 months)
Company: Shun Shing Group
Title: Chartering Manager
Period: Mar 2016 - Apr 2019 (3 years, 1 month)
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