Ron Mr Gratitude Barrow

♾♾♾LGN...V2+C2+TA+RTS=R♾♾♾ 1740Investments...{Love★Gratitude★Nature} Entrepreneur | Strategic Advisor | New Business Development | Spiritual Thinker | Global Peace Advocate | Mentor | Eternal Wholeness...
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Last updated: 11/08/2023 09:55 AM
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Ron Mr Gratitude Barrow is from Washington DC-Baltimore Area. Ron Mr. Gratitude is currently Founder/CEO at 1740 Investments, LLC.

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Ron Mr Gratitude Barrow's current jobs
Company: 1740 Investments, LLC
Title: Founder/CEO
Period: Jan 2007 - Present (17 years, 11 months)

Mr. Gratitude…Here to 🦅SERVE🦅…Thank You… Current World Population…8,034,876,396 5.24.23 11:11AM EST…I am attracting new clients from all over the world to share my message… ★LGN... V2+C2+TA+RTS=R★ I AM in total alignment ★NOW★ with the abundant ★FLOW★ of the universe! Thank you… Transformation BEGINS and ENDS here…which is only possible when ★YOU★ unite the lower Self {Ego} and higher Self…{Divine Self} Think so ★BIG★ that everyone questions it and no one understands it. ♔Ron Mr. Gratitude Barrow The equal rights of man, and the ★HAPPINESS★ of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Thomas Jefferson The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to ★GIVE★ it away. Pablo Picasso The future depends on what ★WE★ do in the present. Mahatma Gandi ★{Building Value}★At 1740 Investments, LLC our primary goal is to progressively help inform every person to comprehend their ★MAXIMUM★ investment potential. Our mission statement is to create multiple investment opportunities that provide residual income as well as long-term capital growth, utilizing the most reliable tools, resources, and current information available. I AM representing the greater good of ★HUMANITY★ by going the ★EXTRA MILE★ while giving ★GRATITUDE★ in each of my present moments. My motto:★PERSEVERE★…When fighting for the right, we must never cease until we prevail. The battle is not always won by the strongest, the smartest, or the most elite, but ultimately it comes to those who persist and persevere. When soon - to - be President George Washington led his troops into battle during the Revolutionary War, he lost most of those battles, but through perseverance, he ultimately won the war. As a result, we won our independence from the British and became a free people. Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing ★GREAT★ or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Winston Churchill

Ron Mr Gratitude Barrow's education
Rich Dad's Coaching
2006 - 2007
Law of Resonance
Energy, External, Vibrating, Oscillate, Amplitude, Resonant
1973 - Present
NLP Seminars Group International
2008 - 2008
United States Army
1992 - 2002
Peak Potentials Training
2007 - 2007
Law of Nature
Law of Attraction and Vibration, Law of Polarity, Law of Rhythm, Law of Relativity...
1973 - Present
The Art Institutes
1996 - 1997
Law of Gratitude
Appreciation, Abundance, Grateful, Gratefulness, Praise, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, Grace
1973 - Present
Lord Fairfax Community College
1992 - 1993
Arizona State University - W. P. Carey School of Business
2019 - 2019
Ron Mr Gratitude Barrow's top skills
Investments Business Business Strategy Strategic Consulting Finance Entrepreneurship Emerging Markets Analysis International Business Real Estate Management Consulting Venture Capital Social Media Commodity Marketing Consulting Private Equity Financial Advisory Due Diligence Mergers & Acquisitions
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