Ron Parkinson

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Current employer:
Holt Renfrew
Current title:
Senior Procurement Manager - IT, Facilities, Stores & HR
Last updated: 08/09/2023 14:21 PM
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Ron Parkinson is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ron is currently Senior Procurement Manager - IT, Facilities, Stores & HR at Holt Renfrew, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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Ron Parkinson's current jobs
Company: Holt Renfrew
Title: Senior Procurement Manager - IT, Facilities, Stores & HR
Period: Nov 2016 - Present (8 years, 2 months)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Celebrating a 180-year heritage, Holt Renfrew is recognized worldwide for an inspired shopping experience. Accountable for identifying & enabling strategic opportunities & partnering with key business stakeholders to proactively understand current and future needs. With focused objectives such as cost reduction, supplier relationships and contract management, the role requires building and establishing strong relationships, internally and externally, aligning Holt Renfrew's Business and Procurement strategies. Assist in leading the transition to centralize procurement and drive process improvements. Sr Procurement Manager, Information Technology, Facilities & HR Reporting to VP, Finance, accountable for all aspects of the IT Procurement sourcing, contracts & vendor performance process for all deliverable products and services related to application services, software support, licensing, asset management, telecommunications, infrastructure services (hosting) end user computing services, hardware acquisition or contracted information management and technology services. Also supported goods/services within Stores, Facilities and HR. • Building strong relationships with clients through collaborative, transparent procurement and negotiation processes resulting in 20-40% savings. • Developed a Procurement Pipeline to improve Client Opex and Capex spend timelines resulting in savings. • Led the development of Mobility Policy and leveraging ROGERS Mobility Pricing plan to reduce Operational costs by $240K. • Demonstrated positive change management during constant business transformation. • Led transparent procurement process for Cleaning services by achieving one supplier for all stores and over 20% annual savings and $15M spend over 5 years. • Key contributor in successful Business Transformation projects such as ERP (SAP), Merchandizing Buyer tool, ORACLE POS implementation, AliPay/WeChat credit card processing, Data Centre (CISCO) & Cleaning Services.

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