Roni Singler

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Email: ****
Location: Tel Aviv District, Israel
Current employer:
Wide Therapy
Current title:
Co-Founder and CEO
Last updated: 21/06/2023 11:14 AM
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Roni Singler is from Tel Aviv District, Israel. Roni is currently Co-Founder and CEO at Wide Therapy, located in Herzliya, Tel Aviv District, Israel.

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Roni Singler's current jobs
Company: Wide Therapy
Title: Co-Founder and CEO
Period: Apr 2021 - Present (3 years, 9 months)
Location: Herzliya, Tel Aviv District, Israel

Wide is a digital personalized platform for young children with developmental disability, to help them overcome challenges in a playful, easy and effective way. Wide’s method of treatment transforms resistance into motivation, making a fast impact on real life, where it really matters. Our vision is to make it possible for children to overcome challenges. We are starting with daily challenges of children with developmental disability, but we aim to reach any child, with any challenge, anywhere.

Roni Singler's Colleagues
Guy Rozenwald
Member Of The Board Of Advisors
Herzliya, Tel Aviv District, Israel
Rinat Hitelman
Herzliya, Tel Aviv District, Israel
Roni Singler has 2 colleagues in total at Wide Therapy. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Roni Singler
Roni Singler
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