Rosanna Godden CPA

Chief Financial Officer and Board Secretary at Kitu Life Inc. Super Coffee
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Email: ****a@drinksupercoffee.com
Location: Austin, Texas, United States
Current employer: Kitu Life Inc. Super Coffee
Current title:
Chief Financial Officer and Board Secretary
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:31 AM
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Rosanna Godden CPA is from Austin, Texas, United States. Rosanna works in the following industries: "Food & Beverages", "Internet", "Financial Services", "Supermarkets", "Retail", and "Maritime". Rosanna is currently Chief Financial Officer and Board Secretary at Kitu Life Inc. Super Coffee, located in Austin, Texas, United States. In Rosanna's previous role as a Vice President, Finance - Business Integration & Continuous Improvement at Whole Foods Market, Rosanna worked in Austin, Texas until Apr 2021. Prior to joining Whole Foods Market, Rosanna was a Director, Corporate Development - Acquisition Integration at Amazon and held the position of Director, Corporate Development - Acquisition Integration at Seattle, WA. Prior to that, Rosanna was a Senior Manager, M&A and Subsidiary Accounting at Amazon, based in Seattle, WA from Dec 2012 to Jun 2014. Rosanna started working as Senior Manager, Accounting at Starbucks Coffee Company in Feb 2010. From Mar 2006 to Feb 2010, Rosanna was Corporate Controller at Centerline Logistics Corporation (Formerly Harley Marine Services, Inc.). Prior to that, Rosanna was a AVP, Accounting Project Manager at Fidelity National Financial from Jan 2005 to Mar 2006. Rosanna started working as AVP, Regional Accounting Supervisor at Fidelity National Financial in Greater Seattle Area in Jan 2000.

You can find Rosanna Godden CPA's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Rosanna Godden CPA's current jobs
Title: Chief Financial Officer and Board Secretary
Period: Apr 2021 - Present (3 years, 9 months)
Location: Austin, Texas, United States
Rosanna Godden CPA's past jobs
Title: Vice President, Finance - Business Integration & Continuous Improvement
Period: Mar 2018 - Apr 2021 (3 years, 1 month)
Location: Austin, Texas

Senior leadership role focused on achieving Amazon's strategic goals to improve financial performance, operational excellence, ensure strategy execution, and reduce costs to maximize investment value by integrating and aligning core business initiatives between Amazon and Whole Foods Market post-2017 acquisition. Responsibilities include Internal Audit, Indirect Procurement, Corporate Development, Strategic Planning and Execution, Branded Gift Cards, and Continuous Improvement. Key Accomplishments: • Spearheaded the development of the company’s strategic framework including formalizing and leading the strategic planning process with focus on alignment, creating focus, prioritization, cost optimization, and accountability to drive improved organizational profitability • Executes the overall Amazon integration program to maximize broader company goals while maintaining a level of autonomy in order to protect the Whole Foods Market culture and brand • Driving the transformation of the internal audit function by expanding beyond traditional operational and IT audits to deliver greater value to the company by taking on a more advisory role in strategic and transformative initiatives • Built continuous improvement framework to drive operational excellence by reducing waste and increasing productivity and efficiency using Lean Six Sigma fundamentals • Enabled execution of a multi-year cost optimization program by addressing over $2B in indirect procurement spend • Established the cross-functional program management office to lead and execute on company-wide initiatives including those that will contribute innovation to future store formats • Developing the longer-term strategy as the P&L owner for the Whole Foods Market branded gift card program to drive incremental revenue and brand awareness

Company: Amazon
Title: Director, Corporate Development - Acquisition Integration
Period: Jun 2014 - Mar 2018 (3 years, 9 months)
Location: Seattle, WA

Leader of the end-to-end acquisition process for M&A transactions across multiple Amazon businesses globally. Responsibilities include management of large cross-functional teams such as Finance, Accounting, Tax, Legal, HR, Information Security, Communications, Technology through the due diligence phase, signing and closing of the transaction, and strategic integration planning and execution efforts. Key Accomplishments: • Headed the public acquisition of Whole Foods Market for $13.7B in 2017 that expanded Amazon into the brick and mortar grocery industry causing shares of other traditional grocery giants to drop upon announcement • Delivered immediate deal value at close of the Whole Foods Market acquisition by driving the efforts to sell their private label products on Amazon channels and making Amazon lockers and devices available in-store • Led the acquisition of multiple international transactions such as Souq.com that allowed Amazon to enter the Middle East region with physical presence in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt

Company: Amazon
Title: Senior Manager, M&A and Subsidiary Accounting
Period: Dec 2012 - Jun 2014 (1 year, 6 months)
Location: Seattle, WA

Led all global M&A transactions from pre-close diligence through post-close integration including accounting and finance diligence, intangible asset valuation, purchase price allocation, transfer pricing, and integration into Oracle for financial reporting. Responsible for warrant portfolio, investments, goodwill and intangible assets, subsidiary accounting, and statutory reporting. Key Accomplishments: • Designed the end-to-end M&A accounting framework that provides the foundation for subsidiary accounting practices including a structured accounting diligence process, purchase price allocation summary, and integration plan • Accelerated the Oracle financial implementation process to ensure timely migration from subsidiaries’ pre-acquisition accounting systems resulting in a 90-day integration timeline that had not previously been realized • Reduced the subsidiary onboarding time from three months to one day post-close for acquired employees to transition to Amazon’s benefits and payroll processes

Title: Senior Manager, Accounting
Period: Feb 2010 - Dec 2012 (2 years, 10 months)

Managed all global accounts receivable and pricing functions for the licensed stores, food service, and channel development (non-retail) segments of the business which included international markets. Managed Fortune 500 customers such as Walmart, Safeway, Target, Sysco, US Foods Service, and Costco. Responsible for AR month end and quarter end close, balance sheet reconciliations, cash application, billing, royalty & claims processing, and administration of pricing strategies. Key Accomplishments: • Controlled the finance due diligence and integration process for the 2011 $30M acquisition of Evolution Fresh to expand Starbucks portfolio of product offerings and enter into the super-premium juice market • Contributed to the transition of the packaged coffee and tea businesses to an in-house direct operations model that allowed Starbucks to expand its grocery channel and eliminate its distribution agreement with Kraft Foods • Product owner for the implementation design phase of Oracle Siebel which improved Trade Promotion Management as well as the back of house accounting processes for deduction resolution and the setup of off invoice allowances • Championed the implementation phase of a 5-year Oracle upgrade that streamlined order management, transfer pricing, royalty & claims processing, and billing across the US and International markets • Supported the launch of Starbucks and Tazo-branded portion packs to be made and sold for Keurig brewing machines as part of Starbucks’s goal of expanding its reach in the fast-growing single-cup coffee market • Transformed, mentored, and grew the accounting team to support Starbucks strategy to accelerate a multi-brand, multi-channel growth opportunity beyond the Starbucks retail brand

Company: Centerline Logistics Corporation (Formerly Harley Marine Services, Inc.)
Title: Corporate Controller
Period: Mar 2006 - Feb 2010 (3 years, 11 months)

Managed all corporate finance and accounting functions for the company and its 13 subsidiaries. Responsible for financial reporting and analysis, payroll (union & non-union), accounts payable & receivable, audit, and internal controls. Key Accomplishments: • Restructured and transformed the finance organization to maximize shareholder value, enhance the company’s corporate governance, and set the groundwork for a potential IPO • Oversaw the due diligence phase of $98M controlling interest purchase and sale to publicly traded investment group • Optimized cash flow and working capital in highly leveraged environment to meet growth and expansion plans

Company: Fidelity National Financial
Title: AVP, Accounting Project Manager
Period: Jan 2005 - Mar 2006 (1 year, 2 months)
Company: Fidelity National Financial
Title: AVP, Regional Accounting Supervisor
Period: Jan 2000 - Jan 2005 (5 years)
Location: Greater Seattle Area
Company: Fidelity National Financial
Title: Regional Accountant & Internal Auditor
Period: Jun 1997 - Jan 2000 (2 years, 7 months)
Location: Greater Seattle Area
Rosanna Godden CPA's education
University of Washington - Michael G. Foster School of Business
Rosanna Godden CPA's top skills
Auditing Accounting Forecasting Microsoft Excel Financial Modeling Finance Financial Analysis Sarbanes-Oxley Act Due Diligence Management Project Planning Budgets Analysis Financial Reporting Account Reconciliation
Rosanna Godden CPA's Colleagues
Greg Lorenzo
Senior Vice President of Strategy
Austin, Texas, United States
Ben Knox
Senior Vice President, Digital
Austin, Texas, United States
Jacquelyn Jeanes
Vice President of Operations
Austin, Texas, United States
Michael Rudolph
Senior Director of Commercial Strategy
Austin, Texas, United States
Tanner Flitter
Senior Director of Digital
Austin, Texas, United States
Rosanna Godden CPA has 225 colleagues in total at Kitu Life Inc. Super Coffee. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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