Rosemalyne Tul O Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant

I help Amazon Sellers boost their clicks and increase sales profit by optimizing product listing with the use of effective keyword techniques and formula.
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Location: Philippines
Current employer:
Amazon FBA Masterclass
Current title:
Amazon FBA Virtual Assistant
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Rosemalyne Tul O Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant is from Philippines. Rosemalyne Tul-O/ Amazon Seller Virtual works in the following industries: "Pharmaceuticals", and "Online Media". Rosemalyne Tul-O/ Amazon Seller Virtual is currently Amazon FBA Virtual Assistant at Amazon FBA Masterclass, located in Philippines. In Rosemalyne Tul-O/ Amazon Seller Virtual's previous role as a Pharmacist at The Generics Pharmacy, Rosemalyne Tul-O/ Amazon Seller Virtual worked in Laguna, Calabarzon, Philippines until Apr 2014.

Rosemalyne Tul O Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Rosemalyne Tul O Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Rosemalyne Tul O Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant's current jobs
Company: Amazon FBA Masterclass
Title: Amazon FBA Virtual Assistant
Period: Jun 2021 - Present (3 years, 7 months)
Location: Philippines

This is the only Amazon FBA Masterclass which offers intensive training and valuable knowledge by veteran coaches with years of experience in the Amazon FBA Business. Students get hands on training to the important tasks being done in Amazon with the proper guidance from the coaches yielding promising results.

Rosemalyne Tul O Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant's past jobs
Company: The Generics Pharmacy
Title: Pharmacist
Period: Jan 2010 - Apr 2014 (4 years, 3 months)
Location: Laguna, Calabarzon, Philippines

THE GENERICS PHARMACY (TGP) started out as small pharmaceutical company in 1949. Acknowledging the dire need for quality medicines but at affordable prices, the company focused on generic medicines to provide the Filipino with a more affordable alternative. In 2001, the company ventured into retail, starting only with a single outlet. As demand grew, the company decided to bring their medicines more accessible to all the far reaches of the country through the FRANCHISING business model. The historic year was 2007, starting with 20 outlets within Metro Manila. Now as TGP, it revolutionized the entire Pharmaceutical healthcare industry and pharmaceutical retail with its bold and different path for growth. Who would think that a pharmacy or a drugstore with pure generic drugs rapidly take off? After the initial struggles and birth pains, the healthcare landscape has embraced and accepted generic medicine as it has proven to be effective and of high quality standards and yet, truly affordable for every Juan. Now only on its 10th year in full pharmacy retail and franchising, TGP has dotted the entire archipelago with more than 1900 strong outlets, making healthcare accessible to every Filipino. As expansion grew rapidly, so with the numerous awards and recognition TGP received from various entrepreneurship, retail, franchising and marketing organizations. This is solid proof that TGP is now well accepted and trusted as source of quality and affordable generic medicines. The massive reach and accessibility made TGP a friendly neighborhood pharmacy outlet. TGP is now the largest retail pharmacy chain in the country. We carry on with the vision to hit 2000 strong outlets to serve the Filipino.

Rosemalyne Tul O Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant's education
Saint Louis University
Bachelor of Pharmacy - BPharm
2003 - 2009
Rosemalyne Tul O Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant's top skills
Sales Advance Keyword Research Keyword Research Generic Drugs Product Research
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