Rosemary Maysonet

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Bronx, New York, United States
Current employer:
Target Corporations
Current title:
Checkout Advocate- Cashier
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Rosemary Maysonet is from Bronx, New York, United States. Rosemary is currently Checkout Advocate- Cashier at Target Corporations.

If you’re looking for Rosemary Maysonet's email address, you can find it on finalscout.com. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and 200 million company profiles.

Rosemary Maysonet's current jobs
Company: Target Corporations
Title: Checkout Advocate- Cashier
Period: Nov 2017 - Present (7 years, 2 months)

Handle cash transactions with customers using cash registers. Scan goods and collect payments. Issue receipts, refunds, change or tickets. Redeem stamps and coupons. Make sales referrals, cross-sell products and introduce new ones. Resolve customers complaints, guide them and provide relevant information. Greet customers when entering or leaving establishments. Maintain clean and tidy checkout areas. Keep reports of transactions. Bag, box or wrap packages.

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Rosemary Maysonet
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