Royace G

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Atlanta Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
A2Z Capital Partners
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Last updated: 17/10/2023 08:24 AM
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Royace G is from Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Royace is currently Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder at A2Z Capital Partners .

Royace G's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Royace G's current jobs
Company: A2Z Capital Partners
Title: Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Period: Dec 2020 - Present (4 years, 1 month)

A2Z Capital Partners, LLC is the owner and operator of A2ZCapitalPartners.com. Our highly experienced team of brokerage professionals is dedicated to serving online and internet asset entrepreneurs. We are a full-service brokerage service that goes many steps beyond simply trying to connect a buyer with a seller. Our services start with a consultation with the business owner. We listen to the owner’s needs and tailor a sales strategy specific to his/her requests because we understand owners have worked hard to build their companies, and their sales demands and requirements are what matter. We provide a detailed analysis of the merger and acquisition marketplace status and a valuation of the business based on that status. We also provide various levels of coaching to our clients on methods they can use to grow their business (if the current valuation isn’t where they want it to be), or if they are prepared to sell, we provide a detailed package tailored specific to the client’s particular business. Since we have dedicated ourselves to focusing on the sale of website properties and representing sellers of those properties, we are in the perfect position to provide a professional level of services to those with online assets to sell their businesses to the right parties at the right purchase price. We refer a high number of business deals to various lenders throughout the country, and these relationships push us up the brokerage food chain when considering the financing of an online business sold by A2Z Capital Partners. And if the sale qualifies for SBA financing, we have years of experience walking buyers and sellers through the quagmire that can be government-backed lending. Our experience can get a transaction through SBA financing where many, many business brokers fail.

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