Ryan Barton

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Email: ****n@mstech.com
Location: Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Current employer:
Mainstay Technologies
Current title:
CEO / Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Ryan Barton is from Manchester, New Hampshire, United States. Ryan is currently CEO / Founder at Mainstay Technologies, located in Manchester, New Hampshire, United States.

You can find Ryan Barton's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Ryan Barton's current jobs
Company: Mainstay Technologies
Title: CEO / Founder
Period: Jun 2004 - Present (20 years, 7 months)
Location: Manchester, New Hampshire, United States

Mainstay Technologies is an IT and Information Security services firm serving northern New England, headquartered in New Hampshire. We bring the power of enterprise IT + InfoSec departments to SMB organizations. We are proud of our long-term relationships with our clients. We believe each of them deserves a delightful IT experience – that their team should enjoy interacting with their IT department. And we work hard to be worthy of their trust each day. Our company mission statement is "We give more than we get." As a team of 70+, we are committed to creating value for all stakeholders – clients, team, community, company, vendors, and environment. We believe culture matters, and that authentic culture is born out of the way we treat each other. Our story is one of organic, steady growth, harnessed to improve quality (we had hard years where growth lowered quality, and we learned some vital lessons). Of continual improvement, technological evolution, and the pursuit of a long-term vision. Our goal is to build wisely, so we continue to grow in quality and scope, serving our clients, team, and community better each year. And to do it for the long, long haul.

Ryan Barton's Colleagues
Marc Berthiaume
Senior Director of Client Services
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Paige Yeater
Senior Director, Security & Engineering
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Jason Golden
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Ryan Robinson
Senior Director
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Nick Ironfield
Manager of Client Transformation
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Ryan Barton has 81 colleagues in total at Mainstay Technologies. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Ryan Barton
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