Ryan Dunn

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Email: ****n@electrawatch.com
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
Current employer:
ElectraWatch, An Austal USA Company
Current title:
CEO & Co-Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Ryan Dunn is from Charlottesville, Virginia, United States. Ryan is currently CEO & Co-Founder at ElectraWatch, An Austal USA Company, located in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States.

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Ryan Dunn's current jobs
Company: ElectraWatch, An Austal USA Company
Title: CEO & Co-Founder
Period: Jan 2009 - Present (15 years, 11 months)
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Company Description: ElectraWatch is the leading provider of quantitative nondestructive aluminum sensitization testing for the US Navy. Since 2014 ElectraWatch has completed over 5,500 field measurements in support of CG-47 guided cruiser maintenance, repair and modernization activities. Company Accomplishments: ▪ Over 5,500 field measurements in support of CG-47 guided cruiser maintenance, repair and modernization activities. ▪ Awarded $2.75MM in Navy funding to design, build, test and commercialize DoS Probe technology. Funding sources include: SEA21, SEA05, ONR SWAMPWORKS, ONR RTT, ONR STTR, NSF, and CIT. ▪ Developed DoS Probe technology from technical readiness level (TRL) 1 basic science research to environmentally robust, field validated and fully commercialized TRL 9 technology. ▪ Awarded the 2009 Rocket Award by the Charlottesville Business and Innovation Council for the “Enterprise that has moved with noteworthy speed from concept toward commercialization.” Management Responsibilities: ▪ Assembled and managed a strategic team of 4 full-time employees and 6 subcontractors with expertise in electrochemistry, materials science, thermodynamics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer programming and control system design. ▪ Worked directly with the Navy to identify and document device requirements, specifications and concept of operation. ▪ Preparation of contract and grant proposals for both government agencies and private companies.

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