Ryan Painter

President and CEO at CanMed Supplies Inc
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LinkedIn: Ryan Painter
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Current employer:
CanMed Supplies Inc.
Current title:
President and CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:29 AM
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Ryan Painter is from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Ryan works in the following industries: "Education Management", "Legislative Office", "Medical Device", "Non-profit Organization Management", "Retail", and "Real Estate". Ryan is currently President and CEO at CanMed Supplies Inc., located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Ryan also works as Chief Business Officer at Rhino Work Boutique, a job Ryan has held since Jan 2021. Another title Ryan currently holds is Executive Director at Charityworks (Capital Regional Charitable Gaming Association). In Ryan's previous role as a Campaign Organizer at New Democratic Party of Canada, Ryan worked in Skeena—Bulkley Valley until Oct 2019. Prior to joining New Democratic Party of Canada, Ryan was a Property Information Administrator at BC Assessment and held the position of Property Information Administrator at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Prior to that, Ryan was a Regional Organizer/Database Manager at Niki Ashton for NDP Leader, based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada from Jun 2017 to Oct 2017. Ryan started working as Product Support Analyst at BC Assessment in Jun 2017. From Nov 2013 to Aug 2016, Ryan was Constituency Assistant for Gary Holman, MLA for Saanich North and the Islands at Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, based in Sidney, British Columbia.

You can find Ryan Painter's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Ryan Painter's current jobs
Company: CanMed Supplies Inc.
Title: President and CEO
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

CanMed Supplies Inc. is Canada's premier source for medical supplies and PPE. We are a fully integrated medical supply chain company, all the way from raw materials acquisition to manufacturing, shipping, warehousing and delivery. We provide quality products that meet the most strict Health Canada and FDA standards. If you're looking for medical supplies or PPE, look no further. Our supplies include: Disposable N95 masks Disposable surgical masks Nitrile gloves Vinyl gloves Level 3 and Level 4 Surgical and medical gowns Safety goggles and protective eye glasses Hand sanitizers Health Canada approved surface disinfectants Face shields ICU-level ventilators Ventilators Oral and rectal thermometers COVID-19 test kits

Company: Rhino Work Boutique
Title: Chief Business Officer
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Company: Charityworks (Capital Regional Charitable Gaming Association)
Title: Executive Director
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (4 years, 8 months)
Location: Victoria, BC

Charityworks evolved from the Greater Victoria Bingo Association when the Community Gaming Branch shifted from a direct access model of funding to the current application process. This shift improved the equity of the program but created new challenges for the tens of thousands of non-profits and charities in British Columbia. The Gaming Branch created a network of Community Charitable Gaming Associations, including Charityworks in the Capital Region, to support organizations as they learned the new application process. Since inception we’ve provided countless workshops and helped hundreds of organizations polish their applications, navigate the reporting requirements, and submit reconsideration requests.

Company: Greater Victoria School District
Title: School Trustee
Period: Nov 2018 - Present (5 years, 10 months)
Location: 556 Boleskine Rd, Victoria, BC V8Z 1E8

I successfully secured a seat as School Trustee on the Greater Victoria School Board. My campaign strategy led to 18,678 votes. As School Trustee, I set goals for the district to ensure actionable changes and hold the district accountable for results. I also collaborate with senior staff to identify key issues and concerns for the district, and coordinate engagement opportunities to foster a strong relationship between district leadership and the community. Part of my goal is to forge partnerships with diverse groups to adopt policies, implement school procedures, set priorities, and develop innovative programs to ensure the district achieves its goals. In addition, I advocate for the community in numerous educational board member trainings, committees, and conventions to address pressing needs and understand issues within the district.

Company: Tuzo Strategies and Painter Consulting
Title: Founder and Principal
Period: Jun 2017 - Present (7 years, 3 months)
Location: Victoria, BC, Canada

Tuzo Strategies is a boutique digital marketing, public relations, and communications sole-proprietorship which has cooperated with governments and organizations at the local, provincial and national level to bring about positive results for communities all across the country.

Ryan Painter's past jobs
Company: New Democratic Party of Canada
Title: Campaign Organizer
Period: Sep 2019 - Oct 2019 (1 month)
Location: Skeena—Bulkley Valley

As a Campaign Organizer for the New Democratic Party (NDP), I headed strategic priorities, voter engagement, and regionalized communications and social media. I also oversaw volunteer recruitment and retention outreach throughout the region. In addition, I successfully initiated contact with over 5,000 potential voters to educate on NDP policies. My proudest moment came when I achieved a win in every targeted area through strategic community engagement efforts.

Company: BC Assessment
Title: Property Information Administrator
Period: Aug 2016 - Apr 2018 (1 year, 8 months)
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

• Managed call volume that varies from 40-70 calls a day, and 50-100 emails a day, utilizing our stock response guide to effectively communicate with customers • Processed various provincially managed data products, including titles (50-90 a day), permits (40-80 a day), subdivisions (10-20 a day), and address changes (40-80 a day) • Named Subject Matter Expert for management of Section 19(8) Assessment Relief applications

Company: Niki Ashton for NDP Leader
Title: Regional Organizer/Database Manager
Period: Jun 2017 - Oct 2017 (4 months)
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

As the Western Canada Lead and Regional Organizer for the Niki Ashton campaign, I analyzed data and identified key voter segments in multiple regions throughout British Columbia, Manitoba, Nunavut, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories. I coordinated townhalls, community meetings, and campaign events throughout Vancouver Island. I also recruited and trained volunteers to successfully support grassroots outreach. In addition, I authored fundraising pitches to drive campaign contribution efforts.

Company: BC Assessment
Title: Product Support Analyst
Period: Jun 2017 - Sep 2017 (3 months)

• Wrote and distributed 7 quality initiatives and product bulletins for distribution to BC municipal governments • Track emerging issues and recommend strategies to management to increase awareness of data products to municipalities and corporate clients • Managed call volume of 10-15 calls a day, and email volume of 30-40 emails a day • Developed first metrics monitoring dashboard to visually represent team statistics and inquiry volumes • Successfully utilized Agile Project Management principles to launch refresh of team website over four-week period • User Acceptance Tested relaunch of BC Online’s BC Assessment application to uncover user interface and loading errors

Company: Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
Title: Constituency Assistant for Gary Holman, MLA for Saanich North and the Islands
Period: Nov 2013 - Aug 2016 (2 years, 9 months)
Location: Sidney, British Columbia

As Constituency Assistant, I executed all digital communications and social media strategy, and crafted communications for senior leadership. I educated constituents on policy, legislation, and regulations, and organized local events to drive engagement and ensure communities received accurate campaign information. I also acted the point of contact for internal teams to coordinate the project and strategic planning development.

Ryan Painter's education
Okanagan College
2002 - 2004
The University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Arts
2005 - 2007
Ryan Painter's top skills
Research Creative Writing Nonprofits Government Editing Event Management Public Policy Speech Writing Program Development Public Affairs Leadership Political Campaigns Social Media Strategic Communications Media Relations Public Relations Political Communication Blogging Policy Analysis Event Planning
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