Ryan Terko

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Email: ****t@disruptivebg.com
Location: Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Current employer:
Disruptive Brand Group
Current title:
Co-Founder/Director of Marketplace Strategy
Last updated: 21/09/2023 17:20 PM
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Ryan Terko is from Silver Spring, Maryland, United States. Ryan is currently Co-Founder/Director of Marketplace Strategy at Disruptive Brand Group, located in Rockville, Maryland, United States.

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Ryan Terko's current jobs
Company: Disruptive Brand Group
Title: Co-Founder/Director of Marketplace Strategy
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Rockville, Maryland, United States

Disruptive Brand Group provides strategies and solutions to help brands take ownership of, and grow their Amazon and Walmart business. Managing these marketplaces is inherently difficult and complex, but at DBG we leverage over 30 years of combined experience, and nine figures in revenue achieved, to help brands get the most out of these channels. As the shift to DTC is happening, and brands want to own their Amazon and Walmart sales, DBG is here to help! Want to expand to different countries? Looking to launch new products? Need creative and advertising strategies? We can help with all of that! Whatever you are looking to do to grow your marketplace business, Disruptive Brand Group has a seamless solution to help achieve that goal. It costs time, money and resources to both manage and grow these marketplaces. That means having to hire teams of people to manage them. With a proven track record of success and over nine figures in marketplace sales, DBG can help take your marketplace business to the next level, so brands can focus on making amazing products.

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