Ryan Zallar

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Joplin Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
E & P Wireless
Current title:
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Ryan Zallar is from Joplin Metropolitan Area. Ryan is currently Owner at E & P Wireless.

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Ryan Zallar's current jobs
Company: E & P Wireless
Title: Owner
Period: Jan 2008 - Present (17 years)

Current President providing oversight for all sales and program initiatives that successfully realized and exceeded Verizon wireless monthly goals to become top locations in the Verizon Kiosks within Travel Center industry. Develop commission payout structures and motivate team to continue the trend of success. Procure all inventories and identify new cutting-edge technology and accessory products. Recruit, interview, hire all new personnel, provide extensive customer-centric service, and support training initiatives. Developed and implemented POS systems and perform all administrative function as required.

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