Sagi Eliyahu

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Location: Israel
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KMS Lighthouse
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Last updated: 02/09/2023 10:50 AM
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Sagi Eliyahu is from Israel. Sagi is currently CEO at KMS Lighthouse, located in Ganei Tikva, Center District, Israel.

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Sagi Eliyahu's current jobs
Company: KMS Lighthouse
Title: CEO
Period: Aug 2016 - Present (8 years, 5 months)
Location: Ganei Tikva, Center District, Israel

Sagi brings vast experience in transforming advanced high-tech capabilities into business achievements. In his last 20 years he has initiated and successfully established global operations from zero to large scale in several markets. At KMS Lighthouse Sagi helped to reshape the company to SaaS offering and together with the Lighthouse team has led a vision that will help Lighthouse disrupt the market. He is considered to be a thought leader in the knowledge management sector and a great people's person among his team members. Lighthouse enhances every interaction by empowering personnel with real-time access to accurate and consistent knowledge. Lighthouse helps to tackle these areas: • Lack of knowledge resulting in lost sales and a poor customer experience • Employees overwhelmed by changes and new information • Lack of feedback resulting in lost improvements and effectively amending processes according to customer needs • Long onboarding and ongoing training processes • Duplicated and inconsistent information across different channels

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Sagi Eliyahu
sagi eliyahu
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