Sally Ann O Callaghan

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Email: ****
Location: Ireland
Current employer: Maxio
Current title:
Regional Director, EMEA
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Sally Ann O Callaghan is from Ireland. Sally-Ann is currently Regional Director, EMEA at Maxio.

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Sally Ann O Callaghan's current jobs
Company: Maxio
Title: Regional Director, EMEA
Period: Jan 2022 - Present (3 years)

SaaSOptics and Chargify are becoming Maxio. Maxio provides subscription and revenue management solutions that help growing subscription businesses offer flexible pricing and packaging—without the financial headaches. These products cover the full spectrum of the subscription lifecycle and allow SaaS companies to manage any subscription model, calculate revenue, and generate custom reports that investors love. Maxio is taking finance farther so businesses can go faster.

Sally Ann O Callaghan's Colleagues
Randy Wootton 🚀
Chief Executive Officer
Damon Gage
Head of Global Sales
Travis Hodges 🚀
Strategic Sales Director
Tyler Gruca
Director Of Business Development
Will Ibsen 🚀
VP of Sales, North America
Sally Ann O Callaghan has 192 colleagues in total at Maxio. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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