Samuel Dominique

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Email: ****
Location: Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France
Current employer: HealthTech Station
Current title:
CEO & founder
Last updated: 04/10/2023 08:40 AM
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Samuel Dominique is from Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France. Samuel is currently CEO & founder at HealthTech Station, located in Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France.

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Samuel Dominique's current jobs
Title: CEO & founder
Period: May 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France

HealthTech Station Tours, Centre-Val de Loire in France, is the first national deeptech innovation center dedicated to healthtech. Fully equiped with labs, white rooms facilities and a large calculator dedicated for AI. 7000m2 building dedicated for incubation & acceleration of health-tech startups with more than 40 experts to support them. 104 bench of L2 laboratories and 2 bioreactors 250ml semi automatic and 5l to prepare scalability of startup’s. A private innovation center with visionary entrepreneurs and startups positively impacting the world through technology at the interaction of science, international biotechs & pharmas and deeptech funds.

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