Sandro Stramare

CEO @ Dab Group
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LinkedIn: Sandro Stramare
Location: 意大利 威内托 帕多瓦
Current employer: 11 年 7 个月
Current title:
DAB Pumps
Last updated: 23/07/2024 08:11 AM
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Sandro Stramare is from 意大利 威内托 帕多瓦. Sandro works in the following industries: "Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering", and "Accounting". Sandro is currently DAB Pumps at 11 年 7 个月, located in Padova Area, Italy. In Sandro's previous role as a Grundfos Financial Shared Services at 全职, Sandro worked in Vicenza Area, Italy until Dec 2012. Prior to joining 全职, Sandro was a CFO at DAB Pumps and held the position of CFO at Padova Area, Italy. Prior to that, Sandro was a Senior Auditor at Coopers & Lybrand from Sep 1993 to Sep 1996.

Sandro Stramare can be found on, where members can access Sandro Stramare's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Sandro Stramare's current jobs
Company: 11 年 7 个月
Title: DAB Pumps
Period: Jan 2014 - Present (11 years)
Location: Padova Area, Italy
Sandro Stramare's past jobs
Company: 全职
Title: Grundfos Financial Shared Services
Period: Oct 2010 - Dec 2012 (2 years, 2 months)
Location: Vicenza Area, Italy
Company: DAB Pumps
Title: CFO
Period: Sep 1996 - Oct 2010 (14 years, 1 month)
Location: Padova Area, Italy
Title: Senior Auditor
Period: Sep 1993 - Sep 1996 (3 years)
Sandro Stramare's education
瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院 (IMD) - 商学院标志
Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives (BPSE)
2017 - 2017
Sandro Stramare's top skills
Mergers Management
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