Sarah Atkinson
Sarah Atkinson is from Houston, Texas, United States. Sarah works in the following industries: "Food & Beverages", "Food Production", "Events Services", and "Public Relations & Communications". Sarah is currently Executive Vice President at Atkinson Candy Company, located in Lufkin, Texas, United States. In Sarah's previous role as a Marketing Manager at Atkinson Candy Company, Sarah worked in until Mar 2020. Prior to joining Atkinson Candy Company, Sarah was a Account Executive at Gibbs & Soell and held the position of Account Executive at New York, New York. Prior to that, Sarah was a Business Development Associate at Atkinson Candy Company from Nov 2007 to Sep 2011. Sarah started working as Account Executive at eWomenNetwork in Dallas, TX in Sep 2006.
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Sarah Atkinson's current jobs
Sarah Atkinson's past jobs
Strategic planning, product development, business development, operational excellence, communications and marketing.
Business communications and public relations for major advanced manufacturing clients.
Brand strategy, product development, key account/business development, social media maven and general doer of all things marketing.
Educating, empowering and connecting women business owners.