Sarah Ennett

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Email: ****
Location: Isle of Man
Current employer: Digital Isle of Man
Current title:
Internet of Things Manager
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:57 PM
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Sarah Ennett is from Isle of Man. Sarah is currently Internet of Things Manager at Digital Isle of Man, located in Douglas, Isle of Man.

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Sarah Ennett's current jobs
Title: Internet of Things Manager
Period: Sep 2020 - Present (4 years, 3 months)
Location: Douglas, Isle of Man

The goal of the IoT Accelerator is to promote the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) for the social and economic development of the island, with key objectives being; 1. To encourage the use of existing and emerging technologies to capture information about the physical world around us (air, water, buildings, roads, traffic, etc.) and use that information to enhance the wellbeing of our community. 2. To facilitate the use of IoT, in the public and private sectors to improve productivity and profitability. 3. To support, develop and test innovative uses of these technologies in a small Island setting, which can then be exported to larger markets, creating commercial opportunities for Manx businesses. 4. To increase awareness of IoT in schools, colleges, business and government.

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