Sarah V

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Bury St. Edmunds, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: Savvy Publishing Ltd
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Last updated: 12/10/2023 08:30 AM
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Sarah V is from Bury St. Edmunds, England, United Kingdom. Sarah is currently CEO at Savvy Publishing Ltd, located in London Colney, England, United Kingdom.

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Sarah V's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2012 - Present (13 years)
Location: London Colney, England, United Kingdom

Savvy Publishing is a family business I run with my sons. Between us we create content, designs, marketing materials and sales copy for a range of clients from Life Coaches, to SEO companies, to Health Professionals, Small Business Owners and Not for profit organisations. We create: E books for opt ins and Amazon publication. Launch funnels for products and services- saving busy entrepreneurs the headache of making the funnel work properly! Blog posts for websites/Pulse posts for LinkedIn/Expert articles/Reviews/Facebook Posts/Tweets and yes we can also design compelling images to make the words come alive. I am pretty Savvy about Wordpress and have designed over 25 sites to date from simple blog sites to full blown expert services sites. My background in Marketing, combined with teaching mean my clients actually understand the strategies being employed and become more confident about handling some of the technology that goes with their online presence. Savvy Publishing can also help you get your words into a book and published on Kindle, or even ghostwrite the book for you. Everything we write for the web is SEO friendly and we are constantly learning and investing in our own expertise. One of my sons is a designer and video editor and the other a sales we have you covered. If you want personalised marketing support to boost your presence online, then Savvy Publishing is your kind of company.

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