Satish Thuta

Sr. Manager, Power Electronics, Tesla Motors
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LinkedIn: Satish Thuta
Location: Palo Alto, CA
Current employer: Tesla Motors
Current title:
Sr. Manager, Power Electronics
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:55 PM
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Satish Thuta is from Palo Alto, CA. Satish works in the following industries: "Automotive". Satish is currently Sr. Manager, Power Electronics at Tesla Motors, located in Palo Alto, CA. In Satish's previous role as a Manager, Power Electronics at Tesla Motors, Satish worked in Palo Alto, CA until Nov 2015. Prior to joining Tesla Motors, Satish was a Staff power electronics engineer at Tesla Motors and held the position of Staff power electronics engineer at Palo alto. Prior to that, Satish was a Power electronics R&D Engineer at Ford Motor Company from Jan 2008 to Mar 2010. Satish started working as Power Electronics Engineering Intern - Part Time at Makani Power Inc in May 2007. From May 2007 to Aug 2007, Satish was Power Electronics R & D Engineering Intern at Cummins Power Generation.

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Satish Thuta's current jobs
Company: Tesla Motors
Title: Sr. Manager, Power Electronics
Period: Dec 2015 - Present (9 years, 1 month)
Location: Palo Alto, CA
Satish Thuta's past jobs
Company: Tesla Motors
Title: Manager, Power Electronics
Period: Dec 2013 - Nov 2015 (1 year, 11 months)
Location: Palo Alto, CA
Company: Tesla Motors
Title: Staff power electronics engineer
Period: Mar 2010 - Nov 2013 (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Palo alto
Title: Power electronics R&D Engineer
Period: Jan 2008 - Mar 2010 (2 years, 2 months)

In depth knowledge and experience on topics related to power electronics converters. Some of the projects accomplished as a part of this position are: Component level optimization of 3-Phase Voltage Source Inverters, Novel PWM strategies, Switching Characterization of IGBT, Loss Characterization, Converter Topologies with multiple functions for HEV, PHEV & EV's.

Company: Makani Power Inc
Title: Power Electronics Engineering Intern - Part Time
Period: May 2007 - Aug 2007 (3 months)

Project Title: Simulate and Design a Brushless DC motor servo controller. • Built a model of the actual brushless dc machine model and simulated the closed servo drive performance with a PID outer position control loop and an inner PI current control loop using Simulink toolbox in Matlab. • Designed the schematic and completed the PCB layout of the power board and the control card for the real-time implementation of the servo controller using PCAD software package.

Title: Power Electronics R & D Engineering Intern
Period: May 2007 - Aug 2007 (3 months)

Project Title: "Power Electronics Topology Investigation for variable speed operation of generators" Tasks Accomplished: • Studied the application requirements of the existing Consumer and Commercial Generator business lines. • Investigated different power electronics converter topologies that can be used for the various applications based on functional requirements for the variable speed operation of generators. • Compared various topologies based on the converter attributes using a selection matrix method. • Proposed appropriate converter topologies to be used for various products depending on their application requirements and other attributes such as, Noise and Vibration, Cost sensitivity, Efficiency, EMI and Cooling.

Satish Thuta's education
2002 - 2004
2004 - 2007
Satish Thuta's Colleagues
Adam Qureshi
Chris Dawson
Chief Executive Officer
Stefan Ortmeier
Senior Manager Procurement
Austin, Texas, United States
Harald Schlarb
Planning Lead GF Berlin Tesla
Austin, Texas, United States
Ghazi Farwana
Sr. Global Supply Manager, Composites
Austin, Texas, United States
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