Scott Avvento

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Location: Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania, United States
Current employer:
Alpine Cyber Solutions
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:21 AM
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Scott Avvento is from Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania, United States. Scott is currently CEO at Alpine Cyber Solutions, located in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States.

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Scott Avvento's current jobs
Company: Alpine Cyber Solutions
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2013 - Present (12 years)
Location: Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States

- Responsible for the strategic direction and vision for the company. Identify areas of need in securing our customers' data, making it highly available and disaster tolerant. Serve user needs efficiently and with the latest technologies and methods. Educate customers and their employees throughout the engagement process, leaving them more technically capable and security-aware. - Conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration tests of customer networks (PHI, PCI, FINRA, etc.). - Security Assessed applications that dealt with HIPAA, PCI, and PII traffic generating areas of risk to information and ways to mitigate those risks. - Perform Network Traffic Analysis to help normalize, understand, and identify risks to corporate network traffic with customers in the Financial, Healthcare, and Banking verticals. - Analyze network traffic to identify different applications and develop custom firewall rules and signatures for application specific information. - Created network topologies drawings as well as application access diagrams. - Performed network traffic analysis utilizing raw packet data, net flow, Full Packet Capture, IDS, SIEM, and custom sensor output as it pertains to the cyber security of communications networks (TCP/IP) for customers. - Synthesize partner and non-partner product offerings into product and service lines for the Alpine Cyber Solutions capability set. - Mentor employees of all levels in proper cyber security practice, modern techniques, and the nature of the true threat. - Engage with customers at all levels, from entry level to executive, to explain at the appropriate audience comprehension level the value and details of complex topics in the Information Security field. - Expert in the lower layers of the OSI Model and the most common protocols therein (i.e. TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP, etc.)

Scott Avvento's Colleagues
Steven Pressman, CISSP
President, CTO
Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
Frank Urbanski, CISSP
VP of Security Services
Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
Andy Lin
Cyber Security Analyst
Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
Joe Crisafulli
Cyber Security Engineer
Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
Jeremy Wheeler
Vice President - Cloud & IT Services
Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
Scott Avvento has 12 colleagues in total at Alpine Cyber Solutions. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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