Scott Jones

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Email: ****
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Current employer:
Eleven Fifty Academy
Current title:
Founder, Chairman, President
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Scott Jones is from Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. Scott is currently Founder, Chairman, President at Eleven Fifty Academy, located in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States.

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Scott Jones's current jobs
Company: Eleven Fifty Academy
Title: Founder, Chairman, President
Period: Jul 2014 - Present (10 years, 2 months)
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Nonprofit Eleven Fifty Academy provides 90-day (full immersion) in-person and online training programs in software development, web development, UI/UX design, and cybersecurity for those have the grit and the wit to succeed. We hold ourselves strictly accountable to placing graduates, from all walks, into high impact , high value tech careers. We are considered one of the best in the world at accomplishing this mission.

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