Scott Martin

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Martock, England, United Kingdom
Current employer:
Pixelised LTD
Current title:
Owner - Creative/Managing Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:39 AM
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Scott Martin is from Martock, England, United Kingdom. Scott is currently Owner - Creative/Managing Director at Pixelised LTD.

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Scott Martin's current jobs
Company: Pixelised LTD
Title: Owner - Creative/Managing Director
Period: Jan 2006 - Present (18 years, 8 months)

As the Creative Director I have to adapt to any work environment and pretty much any tool / software package. Having almost three decades of programming and graphics experience I know how to drive and enhance products being built. Even at consultation level, I can get different teams working in synergy due to the various roles I've held over the years. I am constantly learning, evolving and I adopt the attitude of using any tool to get the job done, to the highest quality, which may lead to the most profitable outcome for your organisation. During the start of C-19 and when down time permitted, I have been developing a tool to allow for real rapid proto-typing, iteration and near final render quality. This is a tool that I use to make better decisions about product, and also means creating storyboards in a very fast nature (which almost looks like a finished product)!

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