Scott Riddell

President, Newko - Prototype & Short-Run Stampings & Fab
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LinkedIn: Scott Riddell
Location: Palatine, Illinois, United States
Current employer: Newko
Current title:
Owner & President
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:58 PM
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Scott Riddell is from Palatine, Illinois, United States. Scott is currently Owner & President at Newko, located in Palatine, Illinois, United States.

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Scott Riddell's current jobs
Company: Newko
Title: Owner & President
Period: Sep 1987 - Present (37 years, 3 months)
Location: Palatine, Illinois, United States

I have been in the manufacturing world and with Newko for more than 20 years. My manufacturing experience touches on many areas beginning at the design stage and continuing through the many manufacturing processes necessary to create the final part/product. My strengths, as well as Newko's, lie in the area of developing new parts and products. This is done through utilization of creative engineering and manufacturing techniques. My goal is to combine my knowledge of manufacturing with my understanding of my customers needs. The desired outcome is simple; Rapid Deliveries of Precision Prototype Parts at Low Tooling & Part Cost.

Scott Riddell's education
Winona State University
Rolling Meadows HS
Scott Riddell's top skills
Materials Lean Manufacturing Precision prototypes Prototype Precision Engineering CNC Machining Leadership Molding Product Development Fixtures Machine Tools Sampings Stamping Cnc CNC manufacturing Manufacturing Operations PPAP Assembly Engineering Short run
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