Sean Cook

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Location: Bellevue, Washington, United States
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Group Purchasing Resources
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:05 AM
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Sean Cook is from Bellevue, Washington, United States. Sean is currently President at Group Purchasing Resources, located in Kirkland, Washington, United States.

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Sean Cook's current jobs
Company: Group Purchasing Resources
Title: President
Period: Jan 1994 - Present (31 years)
Location: Kirkland, Washington, United States

Group Purchasing Resources (GPR) specializes in helping our clients save money on their monthly expenses so they can increase their cash flow and maximize their profits. We achieve this by negotiating better rates with technology providers, utility companies, and many other service vendors through our group purchasing network, made up of over 500,000 businesses around the world. ⇛ Schedule a FREE cost saving analysis: With over 20 years of experience in financial auditing, accounting, and consulting, we’ve developed a winning formula for any company looking for new ways to cut their monthly expenses. Choosing to work with us is a risk-free decision because we won’t charge you anything to audit your expenses. We only bill our members if we can save them money, and it’s all based on a percentage of the savings they already get for becoming a member. Our Mission is to improve your bottom line, so you can stay competitive and maximize profits How it works: • Schedule a call with you to learn more about your business • Send us copies of your bills so we can analyze and provide you with a cost-saving estimate • Within 48 hours we will come back with your official savings quote ⇛ Visit for more information

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