Sean Crowley

Chief Operating Officer at NSI Networking, Inc.
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LinkedIn: Sean Crowley
Location: Sumner, Washington, United States
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NSI Networking, Inc.
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Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:53 PM
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Sean Crowley is from Sumner, Washington, United States. Sean works in the following industries: "Retail". Sean is currently President at NSI Networking, Inc., located in Sumner, Washington, United States. Sean also works as Owner at NSI Networking, Inc., a job Sean has held since Jul 2004. Another title Sean currently holds is Chief Operating Officer at NSI Networking, Inc.. In Sean's previous role as a Business Consultant at Favorite Fishing / Googan Baits , Sean worked in Thayer, MO until Mar 2020. Prior to joining Favorite Fishing / Googan Baits , Sean was a Start-Up Owner/Manager at The Iris Grill and held the position of Start-Up Owner/Manager at Gillman Village, WA.

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Sean Crowley's current jobs
Company: NSI Networking, Inc.
Title: President
Period: Jul 2004 - Present (20 years, 7 months)
Location: Sumner, Washington, United States
Company: NSI Networking, Inc.
Title: Owner
Period: Jul 2004 - Present (20 years, 7 months)
Location: Sumner, Washington, United States

Established an e-commerce and distribution venture for wholesale software and electronics, augmenting the initial sales rate of less than $50,000 into a robust enterprise, grossing more than $4 million in annual revenue.

Company: NSI Networking, Inc.
Title: Chief Operating Officer
Period: Jul 2004 - Present (20 years, 7 months)
Location: Sumner, Washington, United States
Sean Crowley's past jobs
Company: Favorite Fishing / Googan Baits
Title: Business Consultant
Period: Jun 2018 - Mar 2020 (1 year, 9 months)
Location: Thayer, MO

Stepped in as a Business Consultant with Favorite Fishing and Googan Baits to assess and revitalize their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). I constructed a unique database in SAP Business One Hana for each company. Within four (4) months, we successfully launched Googan Baits, and fully integrated the websites and several additional sales channels via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Application Programming Interface (API).

Company: The Iris Grill
Title: Start-Up Owner/Manager
Period: Jun 2002 - Feb 2004 (1 year, 8 months)
Location: Gillman Village, WA

Identified the potential of a burned-down building and transformed it into a well-established steakhouse, generating a total revenue of $750,000 within the first year (Sold the business after two years)

Sean Crowley's education
Seattle University
Bachelor of Science, Environmental Studies
Sean Crowley's top skills
Retail Product Development SAP Implementation Business Strategy Product Management Marketing Strategy Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Inventory Management New Business Development Customer Service E-commerce Competitive Analysis Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Account Management Merchandising B2B Sales Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Marketing Strategic Planning
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