Sean Yashar

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
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The Culture Creative
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:21 AM
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Sean Yashar is from Los Angeles, California, United States. Sean is currently Founder at The Culture Creative, located in Los Angeles, California, United States.

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Sean Yashar's current jobs
Company: The Culture Creative
Title: Founder
Period: Jan 2010 - Present (15 years)
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Design authority Sean Yashar straddles art and commerce, managing talent in the decorative arts sphere and consistently identifying and heralding bold new makers, designers, artists and artisans. In 2010 he launched The Culture Creative, a brand discovery and management firm for talent in the decorative arts, and an incubator for original content, storytelling and communication strategy. A Los Angeles native, Yashar has developed projects and programming for the West Hollywood Design District and the La Cienega Design Quarter. 2012 saw Yashar’s creation of West Hollywood’s flagship annual design event, “D.I.E.M.” (Design Intersects Everything Made) ushering in a new direction for the city as an international design hub. In 2015, Yashar founded AUX (pr. auxiliary), The Culture Creative’s production house, dedicated to experimental design and craft. Yashar has been recognized in such publications as Architectural Digest, Elle Decor, Interior Design Magazine, Wallpaper, Cultured, The Hollywood Reporter and C Magazine. He has been featured as a design expert on KCRW, NPR’s flagship station for southern California, and has appeared as a guest judge on Ellen’s Design Challenge on HGTV.

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