Seanna Smallwood

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Email: ****
Location: Fort Myers, Florida, United States
Current employer:
Sellstate Maximum Performance Realty
Current title:
Director of Sales And Marketing
Last updated: 11/09/2023 09:01 AM
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Seanna Smallwood is from Fort Myers, Florida, United States. Seanna is currently Director of Sales And Marketing at Sellstate Maximum Performance Realty, located in Bonita Springs, Florida, United States. Seanna also works as Owner at Real Estate 1 Stop Shop, a job Seanna has held since Jan 2001.

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Seanna Smallwood's current jobs
Company: Sellstate Maximum Performance Realty
Title: Director of Sales And Marketing
Period: Jul 2023 - Present (1 year, 6 months)
Location: Bonita Springs, Florida, United States

I help REALTORS create brand strategies to launch, relaunch, and grow their business. I also help sellers sell and buyers buy ~ expert in all things real estate. 30+ years of experience!

Company: Real Estate 1 Stop Shop
Title: Owner
Period: Jan 2001 - Present (24 years)

Combining excellent referral sources in one group of real estate professionals.

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Seanna Smallwood
Seanna Smallwood
Seanna Smallwood
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