Sebastian Menendez

Director Comercial COALESCER SRL. Filtracion Industrial Energia, Oil&Gas. Distribuidores de filtros PECO y Parker Hannifin.
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LinkedIn: Sebastian Menendez
Location: Argentina
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Coalescer srl
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Last updated: 29/05/2024 06:33 AM
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Sebastian Menendez is from Argentina. Sebastian is currently COALESCER SRL at Coalescer srl, located in Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Sebastian's previous role as a Gerente Comercial at Tormene Americana S.A., Sebastian worked in Buenos Aires until Jul 2014. Prior to joining Tormene Americana S.A., Sebastian was a Consultor de Aplicaciones Custody Transfer OIL&GAS at Especialista en Mediciones de GAS y PETROLEO and held the position of Consultor de Aplicaciones Custody Transfer OIL&GAS. Prior to that, Sebastian was a Comercial at Endress+Hauser argentina from Jan 2002 to Jan 2007. Sebastian started working as Especialista en medicion de nivel. Pesaje dinamico de solidos a granel. Tecnico comercial. at Dastec SRL in Jan 2000.

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Sebastian Menendez's current jobs
Company: Coalescer srl
Period: Aug 2014 - Present (10 years, 5 months)
Location: Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sebastian Menendez's past jobs
Company: Tormene Americana S.A.
Title: Gerente Comercial
Period: Aug 2012 - Jul 2014 (1 year, 11 months)
Location: Buenos Aires
Company: Especialista en Mediciones de GAS y PETROLEO
Title: Consultor de Aplicaciones Custody Transfer OIL&GAS
Period: Feb 2007 - Aug 2012 (5 years, 6 months)
Company: Endress+Hauser argentina
Title: Comercial
Period: Jan 2002 - Jan 2007 (5 years)
Company: Dastec SRL
Title: Especialista en medicion de nivel. Pesaje dinamico de solidos a granel. Tecnico comercial.
Period: Jan 2000 - Jan 2003 (3 years)
Sebastian Menendez's education
Sebastian Menendez's top skills
Medicion de Caudal de GAS AGA9, AGA10, AGA7 Medicion de Nivel de Liquidos y Solidos a granel
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