Sebastian Okser

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Email: ****
Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States
Current employer: Cyndx
Current title:
Chief Technology Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:24 AM
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Sebastian Okser is from Brooklyn, New York, United States. Sebastian is currently Chief Technology Officer at Cyndx, located in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States.

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Sebastian Okser's current jobs
Company: Cyndx
Title: Chief Technology Officer
Period: Jun 2020 - Present (4 years, 7 months)
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, United States

Responsible for the entire engineering organization of an AI-based search and discovery engine. Under my lead we were able to expand coverage, incorporate numerous alternative data sources and significantly decrease infrastructure spend. I helped to restructure the organization to allow for maximum efficiency while rolling out major product releases across our AI, Data Engineering and Platform fronts.

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