Seema Aurora

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Email: ****
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Current title:
President and CEO
Last updated: 22/02/2024 12:08 PM
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Seema Aurora is from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Seema is currently President and CEO at TAG HR, located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

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Seema Aurora's current jobs
Company: TAG HR
Title: President and CEO
Period: Jan 1990 - Present (35 years)
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

TAG HR is a leading national supplier of IM/IT and professional staffing services to both public and private sector companies across Canada. We match clients with proven talent for both contract and permanent positions. With nearly 30 years in the industry, we know that customer service is the most important thing to any client. That’s why so many clients turn to our dedicated and passionate team time and time again. We staff for a wide range of private sector industries, such as IT, Engineering, Construction/ Real Estate, Legal, and Finance/Accounting. We have qualifications in multiple Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements to provide for many streams and categories within TBIPS, TSPS, ProServices, and THS.

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