Septo Sudiro

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Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Current employer:
PT Mitra Aviasi Perkasa
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Last updated: 14/01/2024 16:32 PM
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Septo Sudiro is from Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. Septo is currently CEO at PT Mitra Aviasi Perkasa, located in Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Septo Sudiro's contact information is available for free on, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Septo Sudiro's current jobs
Company: PT Mitra Aviasi Perkasa
Title: CEO
Period: Dec 2012 - Present (12 years, 1 month)
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

PT. Mitra Aviasi Perkasa is an aviation business company that manages & operates Perkasa Flight School ( is an international flight school under Indonesia Directorate General of Civil Aviation and also an Approved Training Organization of CAA Vietnam and DCA Lao PDR. Our collaboration with ATO 142s and the airlines makes Perkasa Flight School a comprehensive pilot training so that we can train reliable pilot from ab initio, EASA licence conversion, type rating and line training up to 500 hours on-type even with FO job guaranteed so we can produce ready for work pilots. Currently we are training students from Vietnam, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Libya, Yaman, Malaysia and Indonesia. Our other business is aviation technician with job guaranteed at 3 MROs in Malta where we provide experienced and new aviation technicians

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