Settimio Di Marco

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Location: Greater Rome Metropolitan Area
Current employer: IAS Armouring
Current title:
CEO & co-founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:37 AM
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Settimio Di Marco is from Greater Rome Metropolitan Area. Settimio is currently CEO & co-founder at IAS Armouring, located in Scorzè, Veneto, Italy.

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Settimio Di Marco's current jobs
Company: IAS Armouring
Title: CEO & co-founder
Period: Sep 2016 - Present (8 years, 4 months)
Location: Scorzè, Veneto, Italy

IAS Armouring is an innovative startup founded in 2016 by experienced professionals in the Defense, Security and Automotive Sector. In its first two years of activity IAS has developed two ranges of APCs on both on civilian and military-grade chassis - the TESTUDO range in versions MKI (civilian vehicle chassis) and MKII (military grade chassis) - the ARX range in its first version DG-01 (military grade chassis). The vision of IAS is to define through its solutions, the ultimate "made in Italy" quality reference as far as security vehicles concern. To achieve this objective IAS is continuosly focused on developing innovative technical and design solutions to optimise performance, costs and durability of its products.

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