Seunghyeon David Kim

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Location: South Korea
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Investment Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Seunghyeon David Kim is from South Korea. Seunghyeon David is currently Investment Director at AJU IB INVESTMENT. In Seunghyeon David's previous role as a Senior Manager | International Development Consulting Lead at KPMG, Seunghyeon David worked in until May 2019.

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Seunghyeon David Kim's current jobs
Title: Investment Director
Period: May 2019 - Present (5 years, 8 months)

AJU IB Investment is one of Korea's largest and best-performing alternative investment firms (Korea's first VC founded in 1974), with 30+ investment professionals in Seoul (HQ), Boston (Bio-Healthcare/Life Science), and San Francisco (All Digital Tech). Investment Strategy Team • Expertise lies in investment strategy and capital raising for Venture Capital (VC) and Private Equity (PE) funds • Managing VC/PE funds of $2+ billion in AUM for the entire process from fundraising to liquidation; sourcing potential deals for venture capital, growth capital, buyout and secondary investment • Interacting with and managing extensive network of institutional investors/LPs including major pension funds, mutual aid associations and financial institutions

Seunghyeon David Kim's past jobs
Company: KPMG
Title: Senior Manager | International Development Consulting Lead
Period: Dec 2010 - May 2019 (8 years, 5 months)
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