Shad East

Chief Executive Officer at InFlow
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LinkedIn: Shad East
Location: Laguna Beach, California, United States
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:30 AM
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Shad East is from Laguna Beach, California, United States. Shad works in the following industries: "Computer Hardware", and "Marketing & Advertising". Shad is currently Employer at undefined. Shad also works as Chief Executive Officer at InFlow , a job Shad has held since Jan 2019.

You can find Shad East's email address at FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Shad East's current jobs
Title: Employer
Company: InFlow
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years, 2 months)
Location: Laguna Beach, California, United States

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Shad East's top skills
Business Planning Business Development Software Development Sales & Marketing Operations Management
Shad East's Colleagues
Brad Fox
Business Development | Co-Founder
Laguna Beach, California, United States
Shad East has 1 colleagues in total at InFlow . You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Shad East
Shad East
Estimator/Project Manager
Layton, Utah, United States
There are 1 other "Shad East". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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