Shah Parag

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Email: ****h@e-global.in
Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Current employer:
Endel Weigh Systems LLC, UAE
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:04 AM
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Shah Parag is from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Shah is currently Chairman at Endel Weigh Systems LLC, UAE, located in Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Shah also works as Chairman at ENDEAVOUR INSTRUMENT AFRICA LIMITED, a job Shah has held since Jan 2002. Another title Shah currently holds is Chairman at Endeavour Instrument Private Limited.

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Shah Parag's current jobs
Company: Endel Weigh Systems LLC, UAE
Title: Chairman
Period: Jan 2002 - Present (23 years)
Location: Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ENDEL WEIGH SYSTEM LLC a professionally managed UAE based company, is a market leader with sales directly to Small & Large industrial, Trading & Retail Companies & Organizations, in the field of weighing & Material Handling Equipment since 2002. Endel Weigh System LLC has the facilities to supply, commission and service and form of weighing equipment in manufacture.EWS has the resources, skills & expertise to undertake projects from providing a delicate jeweler’s balance to the installation of a 120MT weighbridge. EWS, using state of the art technology, have successfully supplied & installed weighing, Material handling & Lifting Equipment to a wide range of industries and other commercial establishments across Middle East, Gulf, Africa & CIS Countries. With the strong belief that after sales is vital part of each product, EWS provides quick and effective technical support, reliable service and plentitude of spare parts always available in the warehouse. A team of experience and dedicated people will always be willing to answer any kind of technical request.

Title: Chairman
Period: Jan 2002 - Present (23 years)
Location: Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

Endeavour Instrument Africa Ltd.(EIAL) and Endel Kenya Ltd.(EKL) were founded in 2002. We are government-approved ISO Certified companies, offering a wide range of products and services for Weighing Systems, Material Handling, Calibration and Automation. Today, we have a total market share of approximately 70% of Electronic Weighing Scales & Weighbridges in Kenya. Our company offers a wide variety of Weighing Scales, Weighbridges, Material Handling Equipment, Load Cells and various other weighing related products.Some of the features that make us unique are as follows: • Round the clock service provided to clients having Annual Maintenance contract (AMC) • Technicians are duly certified by Weights and Measures Department, Ministry of Trade • Service Provider for the entire East African Region • Have served clients in over 15 different types of industries such as Plastic, Horticulture, Food Products, Packaging, Chemical, Laboratories, Pharmaceutical, etc. • More than 300 satisfied clients as of 2017 • All our scales are approved by the Department of Weights and Measures. EIAL has a Calibration Laboratory to ensure accurate measurements. Scales will come with stamp and certificate from the Department of Weights and Measures • Annual maintenance contract for existing scales • Calibration services for scales by getting it stamped whenever calibration is due • Inventory of all spare parts for weighing scales (indicator, load cell, Junction box, PCB) EIAL has a well-furnished office space and warehouse of approximately 8,000 sq. ft. in Nairobi, Kenya. We have another branch of EIAL located at Mombasa. For more details, visit our website: www.endeavourkenya.co.ke

Company: Endeavour Instrument Private Limited
Title: Chairman
Period: Feb 1992 - Present (32 years, 11 months)
Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Endeavour Instrument Pvt. Ltd. popular by its brand name EIPL, is an ISO 9001 certified company based in India, established in the year 1992. Our products range from High Precision Analytical Scales to Weigh Bridges. Our wide range of products are designed to check precision weights ranging from a few milligrams to up to 800 tons. We have a skilled workforce of 130 employees working at our Ahmedabad office, in addition to six branches at different locations in India, and a wide network of distributors. We have also pioneered Weighing Service vertical and currently lead the market in this segment. Our main services include the following: • Products for CCD • Providing Unmanned Weighbridge system • Tank Weighing system • Specialized Computer software for Weighbridges • Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) for all types of Weighing Scales and systems • Numerous variations of contract as per customer(s) requirements • Services on Demand for any brand, any type, and any category of Weighing Scale or system. We own a well-furnished office space of approximately 7,000 sq. ft. at a prime location in Ahmedabad. It also has a manufacturing unit of approximately 60,000 Sq. Feet with required plant & machinery. For more details visit our website: www.endeavourweigh.com

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