Shan Aristio S E MBA FMVA CFP

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: West Java, Indonesia
Current employer: PT. Panin Asset Management
Current title:
Head of Business & Product Strategy
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Shan Aristio S E MBA FMVA CFP is from West Java, Indonesia. Shan Aristio. is currently Head of Business & Product Strategy at PT. Panin Asset Management, located in Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Shan Aristio S E MBA FMVA CFP can be found on, where members can access Shan Aristio S E MBA FMVA CFP's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Shan Aristio S E MBA FMVA CFP's current jobs
Title: Head of Business & Product Strategy
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (7 years)
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

One of the oldest investment management company in Indonesia, subsidiary of PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk. I have been appointed to establish and develop an advisory unit as a think-tank and in-house management consultant role for Directors. In this newly established role, I report directly to CEO. Several of my roles are: - Counseled the C-suites in formulating turn-around management policy mix, corporate strategy, and the related strategic opportunities. - Organized the development of 5-Y corporate planning (RJPP), annual ABM budget & business planning (RKAP & RBMI), and functional strategies towards the turn-around strategies achievement. - Responsible for business intelligence, industry landscape analysis, and business analysis as a basis for decision making. - Conducted market research to determine institutional market segmentation and realigned institutional client’s product fit to maximize generated revenue. - Organized a holistic FP&A to reverse operating cash flow mismatch, customer attrition reduction, and projected both AuM and revenue forecast. - Examined existing business practices, and formulated business process reengineering. - Oversaw developmental of selling chain activities, including product research, new product rollouts, concentrated client risk reduction, and customer retention improvement. - Responsible for ad hoc presentations, meeting and inquiries from prospective partner and third party.

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