Shane Saucier

Product Development Engineer at Evenflo Company, Inc.
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LinkedIn: Shane Saucier
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Current employer: Evenflo Company, Inc.
Current title:
Product Development Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:32 AM
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Shane Saucier is from Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. Shane works in the following industries: "Higher Education", "Consumer Goods", "Retail", and "Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering". Shane is currently Product Development Engineer at Evenflo Company, Inc., located in Charlotte, North Carolina. In Shane's previous role as a Product Development Engineer at Scott Safety, Shane worked in Monroe, North Carolina until Jan 2020. Prior to joining Scott Safety, Shane was a Gym monitor at University of Rochester and held the position of Gym monitor. Prior to that, Shane was a Engineer Internship at Rochester Precision Optics, based in Rochester, New York Area from Apr 2016 to Sep 2016. Shane started working as Installer at PC Richard & Son in Greater New York City Area in May 2015. From Apr 2014 to Sep 2015, Shane was Intern at Innovated Energy Solutions, based in Greater New York City Area. Prior to that, Shane was a Shop Foreman at Goldstar Security, based in Brooklyn from May 2013 to Aug 2013.

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Shane Saucier's current jobs
Title: Product Development Engineer
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Shane Saucier's past jobs
Company: Scott Safety
Title: Product Development Engineer
Period: Jun 2017 - Jan 2020 (2 years, 7 months)
Location: Monroe, North Carolina

Led design, testing, procurement and certification of new product introductions for a fire protection company including thermal imaging assemblies, radio communication devices, charging systems and air purifying respirator masks. Utilized Creo and Solidworks to design and create drawings for new products and components.

Title: Gym monitor
Period: Jan 2015 - May 2017 (2 years, 4 months)

Oversee patrons utilizing fitness equipment to ensure safety and satisfactory experiences.

Company: Rochester Precision Optics
Title: Engineer Internship
Period: Apr 2016 - Sep 2016 (5 months)
Location: Rochester, New York Area

During my time at Rochester Precision Optics I was mechanical engineer intern in research and development. While at Rochester Precision Optics I exposed to many engineering applications. My main duties were assisting the engineers and technicians in designing Night Vision assemblies, lens specification, Scope Mounts, Shock testing systems, Lens stress analysis etc.

Company: PC Richard & Son
Title: Installer
Period: May 2015 - Sep 2015 (4 months)
Location: Greater New York City Area

Installed home appliances for P.C. Richards and Sons, learned many skills in using advanced tools and customer service sales.

Company: Innovated Energy Solutions
Title: Intern
Period: Apr 2014 - Sep 2015 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Greater New York City Area

Worked with Electrical Engineers and architects assembling and installing solar photovoltaic panels. Learned how to install and map out massive array systems in commercial and residential settings. Learned skills in wiring and job preparation having to estimate amount of materials needed to fulfill each job. Also learned leadership skills and team work to over come problems in the work field.

Company: Goldstar Security
Title: Shop Foreman
Period: May 2013 - Aug 2013 (3 months)
Location: Brooklyn

Worked as a foreman at Goldstar security. Goldstar was a general construction company based in Brooklyn New York where I learned skills in the fabrication and installing of custom doors, windows, fences, etc.

Shane Saucier's education
University of Rochester
Bachelor of science
2013 - 2017
Shane Saucier's top skills
Physics Electricians Wiring Thermodynamics Engineering Leadership AutoCAD SolidWorks Microsoft Office Welding Matlab Mechanical Engineering Materials Science Electricity
Shane Saucier's Colleagues
Jonathan Long
Director, Digital Commerce
Canton, Massachusetts, United States
Dave Taylor
Chief Executive Officer
Canton, Massachusetts, United States
Amy Gartland-Magee
VP of Marketing
Canton, Massachusetts, United States
Joe Calabrese
V. P. of Operations
Anthony Chip Gaetano
Information Tehnology Director
Canton, Massachusetts, United States
Shane Saucier has 363 colleagues in total at Evenflo Company, Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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