Shannida Letellier Ramsey M P H CHES

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Email: ****
Location: Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area
Current employer: 2nd Gen Herbal
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer/Owner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:02 AM
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Shannida Letellier Ramsey M P H CHES is from Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area. Shannida Letellier-Ramsey is currently Chief Executive Officer/Owner at 2nd Gen Herbal, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States.

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Shannida Letellier Ramsey M P H CHES's current jobs
Company: 2nd Gen Herbal
Title: Chief Executive Officer/Owner
Period: Apr 2020 - Present (4 years, 9 months)
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

2nd Gen Herbal! "Where Public Health Meets Beauty" Our Mission! 2nd Gen Herbal’s mission is to accelerate the hair growing process, strengthen hair, decrease acne, educate and inspire all people to LIVE NATURALLY! 2nd Gen Herbal is an all natural hair and skin care product line infused with therapeutic herbs, tinctures and oils. With over 30 years experience 2nd Gen Herbal products has proven to increase hair growth, retain hair length, decrease hair breakage, soften your hair, decrease ache breakouts and cleanse your skin.

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