Shannon Spencer

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Email: ****
Location: Bradenton, Florida, United States
Current employer:
Velocity Deals
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Shannon Spencer is from Bradenton, Florida, United States. Shannon is currently Owner at Velocity Deals.

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Shannon Spencer's current jobs
Company: Velocity Deals
Title: Owner
Period: Jan 2017 - Present (8 years)

Velocity Deals specializes in the development, sourcing and sales of branded merchandise and brings an average of 15 plus years' experience in corporate promotional products as well as other retail and distribution markets. We supply everything from consumer electronics to household goods. We are passionate about our client relationships, attuned to their needs, and highly motivated to find the best possible solution to their problems. We deliver very creative, ultra-responsive service that is intended to help our clients succeed! We are expert at managing the inevitable challenges of our business and making critical decisions on behalf of our clients. We have the experience and industry savvy to guide you seamlessly through generating ideas, identifying products, applying design, converting artwork, managing logistics and delivering a successful product on-time and on-budget. Our goal is to develop long-term relationships with our partner accounts and support their marketing campaigns and inventory needs.

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